French Baroque Era Painter, 1594-1665
French painter and draughtsman, active in Italy. His supreme achievement as a painter lies in his unrivalled but hard-won capacity to subordinate dramatic narrative and the expression of extreme states of human passions to the formal harmony of designs based on the beauty and precision of abstract forms. The development of his art towards this end was focused on the search for a point of equilibrium and synthesis between the forces of the Classical and the Baroque around which most critical debate in Rome was concentrated during the 1630s. Poussin did not aspire to the classicism of Raphael's idealized human forms or Michelangelo's re-embodiment of the physical splendours of the antique world, nor did he attempt to vie with the bravura and energy of Annibale Carracci's treatment of Classical mythology in the Galleria of the Palazzo Farnese in Rome. Equally he was not concerned with the illusionistic effects and heightened emotionalism of Baroque artists such as Pietro da Cortona and Lanfranco. He was concerned above all with interpreting his subject-matter, whether Classical or religious, and telling a story with the greatest possible concentration of emotional response, Related Paintings of POUSSIN, Nicolas :. | The Triumph of Neptune sg | Pan and Syrinx fh | The Nurture of Bacchus | The Death of Germanicus af | Summer (Ruth and Boaz) | Related Artists:
j. f. willumsen(7. september 1863 i København - 4. april 1958 i Cannes) var en af pionererne bag det moderne gennembrud i dansk billedkunst omkring 1900. Han var primært maler, men mestrede de fleste kunstarter og arbejdede desuden som billedhugger, grafiker, keramiker, arkitekt og fotograf.
J.F. Willumsen studerede ved Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi fra 1881 til 1885. Efter tre forgæves forsøg på at blive indstillet til afgangsprøven på Kunstakademiet, studerede han på Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler i København. I 1891 var han med til at stifte Den Frie Udstilling, hvis udstillingsbygning han tegnede i 1898.
Willumsen opholdt sig i hovedparten af sit liv uden for Danmarks grænser, hovedsageligt i Frankrig, hvor han under et ophold i Paris 1890-94 blev præget af symbolismen. I de følgende årtier blev han eksponent for flere af epokens kunstretninger og hans stil ændredes i mere ekspressiv retning.
Willumsen tilbød en stor del af sine værker og kunstsamling til staten og arbejdede fra 1930'erne på oprettelse af et museum. I 1957, året før hans død, åbnede J.F. Willumsens museum i Frederikssund.
Jan StanislawskiPolish, 1860-1907
Polish painter and printmaker. He came from a Polish family that had settled in the Ukraine after having been deported to Russia as punishment for the patriotic activities of the artist's father Antoni Stanislawski, a lawyer, poet and translator. In 1879 Jan Stanislawski came to Warsaw and, after completing his higher studies in mathematics, started to study painting (probably in 1881) under Wojciech Gerson at the Warsaw School of Drawing, continuing in 1883-4 under Wladyslaw Luszczkiewicz (1828-1900) at the School of Fine Arts in Krakew. Under Gerson's influence Stanislawski chose landscape as his main and almost only subject. The principal characteristic of his paintings was their small size, rarely greater than 360*240 mm.
Brewster johnAmerican portrait Painter, 1766-1854